Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NstdSTL namespace
 Chash< yappy::util::IdString >Hash function object of yappy::util::IdString for std::unordered_map
 NconfigConfig file
 NdebugDebug utilities
 CStopWatchStop watch utility for performance measurement
 NerrorExceptions and utilities
 NframeworkGame application main framework
 CAsyncLoadSceneScene class with an async loading task
 CSceneBaseSimple scene class base
 CApplicationUser application base, which manages a window and DirectX objects
 CAppParamApplication parameters
 CUnsealResourceAuto re-seal helper
 NgraphicsGraphics library
 CDGraphicsDirectGraphics manager
 NinputInput library
 CDInputDirectInput8 wrapper
 NluaLua scripting library
 NdebuggerLua script debugger
 CLuaDebuggerLua debugger
 NexportC++ から Lua へ公開する関数。(Lua関数仕様)
 CLuaLua state manager
 NsoundSound effect and BGM library
 CCoInitializeAuto CoInitializeEx() and CoUninitialize() class
 CComDeleterDeleter: auto IUnknown::Release()
 CFileDeleterDeleter: auto flose()
 CHandleDeleterDeleter: auto CloseHandle()
 CheapDeleterDeleter: auto HeapDestroy()
 CnoncopyableNoncopyable class