Classes | Variables
yappy::lua::export Namespace Reference

C++ から Lua へ公開する関数。(Lua関数仕様) More...


struct  graph
 グラフィックス描画関連関数。graphグローバルテーブルに提供。 More...
struct  rand
 乱数関連関数。randグローバルテーブルに提供。 More...
struct  resource
 使用リソース登録関数。 More...
struct  sound
 音声再生関連関数。soundグローバルテーブルに提供。 More...
struct  sys
 システム関連関数。sysグローバルテーブルに提供。 More...
struct  trace
 デバッグ出力関数。traceグローバルテーブルに提供。 More...


const luaL_Reg trace_RegList []
const luaL_Reg sys_RegList []
const luaL_Reg rand_RegList []
const luaL_Reg resource_RegList []
const luaL_Reg graph_RegList []
const luaL_Reg sound_RegList []

Detailed Description

C++ から Lua へ公開する関数。(Lua関数仕様)

Variable Documentation

const luaL_Reg yappy::lua::export::graph_RegList[]
Initial value:
= {
{ "getParam", graph::getParam },
{ "getTextureSize", graph::getTextureSize },
{ "drawTexture", graph::drawTexture },
{ "drawString", graph::drawString },
{ nullptr, nullptr }

Definition at line 122 of file script_export.h.

const luaL_Reg yappy::lua::export::rand_RegList[]
Initial value:
= {
{ "generateSeed", rand::generateSeed },
{ "setSeed", rand::setSeed },
{ "nextInt", rand::nextInt },
{ "nextDouble", rand::nextDouble },
{ nullptr, nullptr }
int nextInt(int a, int b)
Get next int random number.
Definition: framework.cpp:34
double nextDouble(double a, double b)
Get next double random number.
Definition: framework.cpp:40
void setSeed(unsigned int seed)
Set random seed.
Definition: framework.cpp:24

Definition at line 72 of file script_export.h.

const luaL_Reg yappy::lua::export::resource_RegList[]
Initial value:
= {
{ "addTexture", resource::addTexture },
{ "addFont", resource::addFont },
{ "addSe", resource::addSe },
{ "addBgm", resource::addBgm },
{ nullptr, nullptr }

Definition at line 97 of file script_export.h.

const luaL_Reg yappy::lua::export::sound_RegList[]
Initial value:
= {
{ "playSe", sound::playSe },
{ "playBgm", sound::playBgm },
{ "stopBgm", sound::stopBgm },
{ nullptr, nullptr }

Definition at line 144 of file script_export.h.

const luaL_Reg yappy::lua::export::sys_RegList[]
Initial value:
= {
{ "include", sys::include },
{ "readFile", sys::readFile },
{ "writeFile", sys::writeFile },
{ nullptr, nullptr }

Definition at line 52 of file script_export.h.

const luaL_Reg yappy::lua::export::trace_RegList[]
Initial value:
= {
{ "write", trace::write },
{ "perf", trace::perf },
{ nullptr, nullptr }
void write(const wchar_t *str, bool newline) noexcept
Write debug string.
Definition: debug.cpp:73

Definition at line 34 of file script_export.h.